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Axolotl Background

The Axolotl is a small amphibian native to Lake Xochimilco, Mexico. They have 3 gills on each side of their faces, and a pair of lidless eyes. Their arms and legs are tiny compared to their relative body size, but they have a tail that expands outward. The average axolotl is approximately 23 cm (9 in) long, and weighs approximately 300 grams. (10.5 oz). They come in many different colours, being pink (leucistic), brown, golden, white (albino) and gray. Which one's your favorite?

Despite their rather innocent and cutesy appearence, axolotls are great predators. They use their mouthes to snap at small fish – they even have hidden teeth! They aren't strong enough to be a threat to humans, however. Being amphibians, while they can breathe both air and water, they cannot be outside the water for long periods of time. Axolotls also have the unique ability to regenerate parts of their body, including their limbs, gills, and even parts of their brain!

Albino Axolotl

Axolotls are recommended to have a tank size of at least 150 L (40 gallons), and for the water to be between the temperatures of 16° and 18° C. The tank should be away from direct sunlight, and also have filtered brackish water. It would be best if about a quarter of the water was refiltered every month. Remember, axolotls are predators, they love to eat earthworms, bloodworms, shrimp, and even pieces of beef. Make sure to do your research to make sure you have the perfect environment for your axolotl friend!

Albino Axolotl
Golden Albino Axolotl
Grey "Xanthic" Axolotl
Wild Brown Axolotl
Leucistic Axolotl