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Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Axolotl?

The Axolotl, (pronounced AX-suh-LOT-ul) also known as the Mexican Salamander, is a small amphibian creature native to a small part of Mexico. They are usually bright pink, have floaty gills on their faces, and have limbs with regenerative capabilities. For more information, as well as some cool images, please visit our Axolotl Background page.

Are Axolotls Dangerous?

Nope! While they are predators – preying on smaller fish by attacking them with their mouths – the worst you'll get is a nibble from them.

Just stay on their good side!

What do I need to care for an Axolotl?

Axolotl's are more delicate than your typical goldfish. They require a form of brackish water; partially freshwater and partially saltwater, and the for the water the be between 16° and 18° C. They do not need to be fed often but you can feed them shrimp, worms, and beef strips.

Why should I care about getting a pet Axolotl?

Axolotls are adorable salamanders that not many people know exist. They're fun to look at, and they can be a great companion. They live quite long on average (10-15 years), and for non-beginners, they are the perfect aquatic pet that is a blend between exotic, but still attainable and hospitable.

I'm sold. Where do I adopt an Axolotl?

We're glad you asked! You can adopt an axolotl directly on our website, via the Adopt Now page. We will ask you for your information, as well as details like which colour of axolotl you want to adopt.

Remember – axolotls are exotic creatures, they need to be given a lot of care. Axolotls aren't the best as a first aquatic pet for your younger cousin Jimmy.